Marriage Application

Professional & Reliable Immigration Services in British Columbia

Find out the way to sponsor your common-law partner or spouse and help them immigrate to Canada.

Canadian residents and permanent citizens can sponsor their spouse or common-law partner for entrance to Canada. If successful, the sponsored person gets perpetual resident status, enabling the couple to establish their lives in Canada.

The common-law / spousal sponsorship Canada entrance program is a part of the Family Class category, through which Canada greets an actual number of new permanent residents yearly.

If you are involved in this process to permanent residence, either as the sponsor or sponsored person, there is much to recognize:

  • Your civil status
  • Your living location at the time of the application
  • Is the sponsor a Canadian citizen, or is the sponsor a permanent resident?

Both the sponsor and sponsored people must be accepted by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for the sponsored person to obtain Canadian permanent residence.

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